Friday, December 16, 2011


This thankful time of the week is dedicated to my sister Anna and the top things I'm thankful for about her. Why you ask? Well, just because I am waiting in the airport for her to arrive IN HONDURAS! It'll be fun, I guess.

36. She was willing to pay her own way to come visit her little sister in the Hondyland.
37. She loves me so intentionally and is willing to tell me when I'm being overdramatic (which is a lot, this year)
38. She shares my unashamed love of the Jonas Brothers and all things Disney. We will both proudly go to our graves with this devotion.
39. We just know each others thoughts and jokes before they're even said out loud. I'm pretty sure we are twins and our parents have just lied to us all our lives.
40. Most importantly, I look up to her a lot, she might be my hero. But, she doesn't use that for her benefit. She just constantly points me to Jesus.

And weez about ta partay in da Hondyland!! So. Stoked.

Monday, December 12, 2011

built on nothing less

"The waters closed in over me to take my life;
The deep surrounded me...
I went down to the land whose bars closed around me forever." Jonah 2:5-6

I am weary. My heart is heavy with burdens and I'm run dry. I sit here in my bed prepared for another restless night of sleep and I just feel weak. And, my selfishness wants to wallow in this state. I don't want to hear from friends and family that it will get better and that my life will be happy again. Because I know that as long as I believe I am in control, it won't be happy and I won't be renewed.
I started this gap year with the assumption that I would gain from it. I was different from my grade, I was brave and I chose to serve the Lord in a different country. I eagerly awaited the time after this year, when I could share my story with others. Telling myself that my story was for the Lord's glory and not my own. But, from the beginning, the Lord has shown me that His way is the only way. And the best way. I had doors slammed in my face as I searched for a place to serve last year. I was too young for missions, I wasn't educated enough, I wasn't mature. And I came to the point where I couldn't do it anymore on my own and I was weak. And that same day, the Lord opened the door for Honduras. And I trusted and saw that His way was best. But, my flesh craves my own glory and so, throughout this year, I have begun to rely on my own abilities and strengths. But now, I am broken again. And again, I am left without a clear purpose here in Honduras. And I am homesick.
But, I am seeing the Lord. This year is not about me. This is not about how I saved the street children of Honduras. It is not about my amazing ability to speak Spanish or my boldness with those around me. I cannot mess up the Lord's work and I cannot improve the Lord's work. He does not NEED me here and if I left, the kids who come to my house would find food to survive and sandals for their feet. But, the Lord is gracious enough to allow me to see His goodness. And he is using this year to mold me into a girl who longs for Christ and is more like Him each day. I cannot control my time here and I cannot make the Lords work better. That is not why I am here.
I am here to hear Ever say that the best thing in his whole life is being at our home.because he knows he is loved. I am here to tell Cesar that he is loved by me and by his heavenly Father, and that he is intelligent, because he has never heard that before. I am here to see Milton cuddle up to me after breakfast and for once be able to be a 7 year old and feel loved and wanted. I am here to watch Moises fill with pride when he outlines his name on a paper when two months ago he was the worst behaved child we had. I am here to see the Lord change the hearts of the most difficult children and to watch his glory and love displayed in their lives. And I won't have a project I can call my own at the end of this year. But, I will forever have the stories of these children written on my heart and I will know the goodness of our God through it.

"yet you bought up my life from the pit, O LORD my GOD.
When my life was fainting away, I remembered the LORD,
and my prayer came to you." Jonah 2:6-7

Sunday, December 11, 2011

this one's for all the kierstens out there

Firstly, I should explain that my sister Kiersten is the type that lives for wipe outs, word slip ups, and embarrassing moments. Think Americas funniest home videos. So Kier, this one's for you.
Well, I'm doing the 30 shred with Shannon. Kate refused to do it with us and I'm starting to think she was of the right mind when she made that descision. I wish I could go back seven years in my life when my dad told me to start good excersise habits then because I'd need them later in life. I did not listen. But here's the deal, working out is the worst. And it's just rude that whoever invented the concept made it so that the misery actually helps your health in the long run. Because now, everyone is just being miserable 1 hour a day waiting for the long run to come to a finish. But, it doesn't. And I digress.
I'm mostly writing this post today because I have a huge bruise on my left hip. I can't sit, stand, lie down, or walk without feeling it. To be fair, I haven't tried running, but that activity and I are enemies, so I think it would hurt. Why did this bruise appear, you ask? Well, it starts with me having a terrible attention span. And a hatred for working out. Whilst Shannon and I were trying to keep up with Jillian Michaels, I started to get restless. Which, I kind of pride myself on that unique ability, considering I was at that time doing high knees (how do you get restless while exercising). So, I naturally had to find a way to not be restless. I need to throw in that its been raining for the past three days here. Anyways, so i start to do high knees around the room. Then I see the patio door open. Everywhere in our house is tile. Yeah, the suspense is building in your hearts cuz you know what's about to happen. I go outside on our balcony and do high knees there. Then I venture to go around the balcony doing high knees. And that's when it happened. One WHACK later and I found myself sprawled out on the balcony, all my weight having fallen on my left hip. It was funny, luckily. We all know those awkward falls that everyone else finds funny while you silently weep in pain. It should've been one of those falls because there was/is a lot of pain. But seriously, I was such an idiot that it was funny. Plus I was silently rejoicing being able to skip out on two minutes of work out. Or hopefully a week, depending on how this bruise works out for me.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


so, im still thankful. and here's some things i love:

31. Finding the exact backpack I wanted to buy in the States. except that it's made by a guatemalan, looks latin american, and is only ten dollars.
32. Honduran December weather. Perfect tank top and a scarf kinda weather. No sweat.
33. Antigua has a McDonalds. You don't understand how much I've missed that place. Call me an american. do it.
34. Florinda. She has a store in the market in Antigua. I remembered her from my other visits and today she told me I was her number one friend. I choose to believe that she loves me because I talked to her for like 10 minutes in Spanish and not because I bought two scarves and a table runner from her.
35. Christmas music. Such a heart warmer. Such a sucker for Michael Buble's voice when he tells me he'll be home for Christmas. Always knew I could count on him.

repetitive and redundant

I write this knowing that I am being repetitive and redundant. But seriously y'all, North Carolinians are evvveerrryyywwhheerreee. I can be confident that whenever I say I am from NC, the person I am talking to will have some connection there. Here is a conversation from the bus ride to Antigua (all in English, except when I responded in Spanish, which sometimes I do on accident):
Male(age 24, kinda rocking a mullet, looks European): You visting Antigua also?
Me: Si. y tu?
Male: Yes. You're from here?
Me: Honduras? kind of, I live in La ceiba, but I am from the States. you?
Male: I've lived here 2 years. But I am not from here.
Me: Oh, where are you from.
Male: North Carolina.

At first, I was hesitant. He didn't have the appearance of a North Carolinian and then we had this convo:

Male: man, I miss American food.
Me: oof, sames. LIke a little bit of taco bell, or bojangles, or chickfila.
Male: or cookout (at thi point, i think there might have been tears on my face) Hah, I just hit the North Carolinian weak spot. What's your flavor?
Me: Orange push pop. duh. You?
Male: Cheerwine milkshake.

Oh me of little faith, I shouldve never doubted his affections for my dear state. the place I call my home. I love running into fellow NC-ers, we speak our own heart language.


Well folks, I am about to reach my 90 day mark for living in the Hondyland. That being the case, I had to leave the country to renew my visa. So, I am currently chilling in Antigua, Guatemala with my friend from work, Emily. Let me tell you, i lerf this place. not love, lerf, which is a stronger sort of love (in between philos and agape). I've already frequented this lovely town twice with my high school when we went on missions trips here. So, some would say I am an expert on the teeg. Such an expert that I have deemed in the teeg, not Antigua. Im staying in The Black Cat Inn and Hostel which is just a quaint little place. Downside is that when I sit on my bed, it doesn't even attempt to form to my body. Mostly made out of concrete, I'd conclude. It was the perfect sort of respite I've been needing though. I think I was getting overwhelmed at everything around me. So much to get used to and now that I am finally used to Honduran culture, I am going into shock that I am so used to it. Ay.
Probably some stuff you can be praying for. I'm reading Kisses from Katie. Such a great book and one would think that prayer isn't necessary. But, I think that Satan is using it to attack me. I read it and I think: I'm not doing enough. I don't send 150 kids to school. feed those 150 kids every friday. and I haven't adopted 14 girls. Also, I don't plan on extending my gap year to a life long commitment. So, when I read it, I feel inadequate and that since I don't feel called to stay here long-term, I think that I am weak.
Mostly, I think that book is just making all of my issues come to the surface. I am still so concerned about who I am. What I can do. What i can't do. I hold myself to an impossibly high standard. I can't speak enough spanish, I am too much of an introvert, I'm not helping enough children. But, that's me doubting the Lord's sovereignty. The lord doesn't NEED me to save these children. He has chosen me to help in any way I can. And I don't have to fear not doing enough. If I am fully keeping my eyes on Christ, He is able to use me exactly the way He intends. Language barrier is such a minor thing to the Lord. The Holy Spirit has no limit in His work. It's such a comfort to know that I am not as important as I think. The Lord has redeemed me and loved me enough that I don't need to be dependent on myself. And I don't need to be fearful of this world because this is NOT my home. When I believe that, there is such freedom in the work I am doing here.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


So it's thursday. Go ahead and hate on me, haters.

26. Confidence before the throne of grace. I love that my fear is so unnecessary.
27. Candles that make my room feel homey...homie? Homy? Hard to spell made up words, am I right?
28. Weather that allows me to wear jeans and a sweatshirt instead of the usual tank top and skirt.
29. Christmas time has arrived!!
30. That my dearest sister, Anna, will be in my arms in 15 days. HALLELUJAH!

so long, farewell

I said goodbye to my dear friend, Amanda. We became kindred spirits over the past 11 weeks I've been here. I only know I've been here that long because of her. She arrived in Honduras the day before I did and attended the same language school, where we met the first day of class. She just made me appreciate Jesus a lot. He had clearly orchestrated our friendship since we both moved to hondy, went to school, and loved Jesus a lot. It's just fun how the Lord provides. And I truly found a friend in Amanda. I mean, how could I not when she bought me sparkling white grape juice for my birthday? Welcome to my heart of hearts, please make yourself at home.
Alas, she has abandoned me for Costa Rica and then the states afterward. So long, my lovely. I'll see you in Wilmington because you are moving there.

Finger crossed that she reads my blog because otherwise this is just embarrassing.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

da funnies

Just a few funny moments from this past week or so:

- me and Shannon got our nails done on Friday...for two and a half hours. Welcome to Hondyland. But, my nails do look magnificent.
- I found out that the poop I found in my bed was falling from a whole stash full of poop in the ceiling, every time the little rat walks around in the ceiling. Wait...that's not funny. I rearranged my room.
- Kate's dog is named Barnabas, who is a very noble character in the Bible. Unfortunately, I get that name confused with Beelzebub, who is not the noblest demon there ever was. My b. It comes in handy when he is doing something wrong though. I'm hoping the name sticks.
- I was a translator today. The English speakers weren't making it easy for me and my friend though when they said, "I wish that I could have been able to come to the party." I mean gosh, I barely know how to say that in English. Thats four verbs right thurr. Who knows how to translate that. I do: "she wants to go to your party." me:1 Spanish:0
- I tried to make tortillas with the cook at work today. I finished one and she said, "muy bien, Cait! MUY BIEN!" you're feeling encouraged just reading that aren't ya? Well, she said that, all the while rolling my tortilla back into a ball and doing it herself. Ya take what you can get.
- I'm never going to leave my bed because I'm so sore from Jillian Michaels workout video I could just die. Seriously though, homegirl does not mess around.

That's my life. Take it or leave it. But mostly, just take all of my muscles so that I will stop being in so much pain.

#21-25: thankfulness

Sheesh, I was just getting ready to go to bed when I remembered today is my thankful list day. I'm slowly learning.

21. For my new roommate, Kate, who constantly makes me laugh. Even if she did steal my name and spell it wrong.
22. For cool weather at night. I don't even have to turn on my AC, Gloria a Dios!
23. For Jillian Michaels and her 30 day shred. She has made me painfully aware of every muscle in my body these past two days. Sorry for the mean things I yell at you when you are trying to help me work out, Jill.
24. For a God that I can be so confident goes before ALL things. And that I can see that verse come into fruition in my daily life.
25. For the new satchel that I saw in the mall early this week. And for my friend Emily, who bought it for me for my birthday.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

he has overcome

My big sister, Nicole, and her hubby, Rob, gave me a 15$ iTunes gift card for my birthday yesterday. Seriously, such a great present. I am obsessed with music and especially here because I love listening to it in the background of activities I do around my house. Anyways, I immediately bought the Aftermath album from Hillsong United. Speaking of which, why are they sometimes united and sometimes not? Someone explain that to me. But, it's a really great album. My favorite so far, in the past 24 hours, is Take Heart. Listen to it. learn it. live it. love it. Here are my favorite lyrics from it.

All our troubles, all our tears
God our hope, he has overcome
All our failures, all our fears
God our love, he has overcome
All our heartache, all our pain
God our healer, he has overcome
All our burdens, all our shame
God our freedom, he has overcome

Silly humans. We think we control things and our God fails us. It reminds me of the verse, "He is before all things and in Him all things hold together." Colossians 1:15-17

Friday, November 18, 2011

#16-20: blessed

summary of my week. I have been SO busy. Seriously though, I have been going to work, road trips with shannon, making crafts, and trying to sleep. One thing you guys could pray for is that I have not been sleeping well and so I am just exhausted all the time. I think Satan is trying a new tactic and I am just not having it. Gotta have my sleep.
But, that's pretty much why you haven't heard from me. When I get a free moment, I am so exhausted that I just want to take a nap or rest. However, I have really felt blessed this whole week and I realized I didn't list my thankfuls this week. oops. Here it goes.

16. I am so thankful for my family. They consistently are just leading me to Christ and glorifying His name. And that is not guaranteed in a family, as I have learned here. I am so blessed that I have a family who understands my heart. I never once have had to explain to them why I wanted to move here. And, they just love me in such a Godly way. Sheesh, I love them.
17. I am thankful that I finally feel at home here. I am not counting down till April. In fact, I feel like April is going to come too soon.
18. I am so thankful for music. It is such a comfort to me and I just love the type of music that moves my heart. If you don't know that type of music, watch The Sing Off.
19. For the 22 boys at Ninos who have all found a way into my heart and who tell me they love me on a daily basis.
20. For all my friends at home who have ben selfless enough to keep in touch and to pray for me. I seriously don't take that for granted. I love you all.

Long story short, God is cool and He is doing really awesome things here in La Ceiba.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


i guess I should explain why I am at the airport. Shannon is coming home! Holler praise. I finally have a roomie I can call my own. No more eating dinner by myself or going to sleep saying goodnight to Pooh Bear. I rode a bus out to San Pedro Airport and me and Shan are gonna spend the weekend out here. So pumped. Also, proud of myself. I took a four hour bus trip all by myself. I bought my ticket, checked my bag, transferred buses, and arrived at the airport. All in Spanish. I'm telling you, I don't even know myself anymore. I look back at the days when I was in AP Spanish, afraid to speak in front of my closest friends in Spanish, for fear that I would fail. PAH! I fail on a daily basis here and it has just become life. I guess Señor Offner was right when he said told me that acting like I didn't hear him when he spoke to me in Spanish was not going to help me improve. Well, here's hoping you aren't reading this post Offner because I'd rather you didn't know that your teaching is more affective than the alternative route I took. Not trying to lose my street cred at SDS. Anyways, that's why I am here.

I think that's all she wrote for tonight. Now onto distracting myself for the next hour. Sheesh.

North Carolina, come on and raise up

I've always considered North Cakalakey to be a quiet state, unloved by those outside of it's state limits. We North Carolinians pride ourselves on being famous for our great beach and Nicholas Sparks constant shout outs in his one hundred novels he has written. We've got two sky scrapers we can call our own and John Wall, Michael Jordan, and James Taylor would call NC their home. Petey Pablo even wrote a song about us. But, for whatever reason, most people from the states find Texas, California, Colorado, or New York more interesting.
Well, jokes on you guys, because these Hondurans know where the party's at. Every time I tell a taxi driver, a store cleark, or a volunteer that I am from NC, they somehow have some connection to the state. THey lived there, their ex-wife lives there, they have a cousin there. I am telling you, I dunno where all these Hondurans are hiding, but they are busting at the seams in North Carolina. It's gotten to the point that all the Expatriates I know have noticed my state's fame. Whater, USA, hate on NC all you want. But it's the place to be and one day, you'll look back on your life and regret not appreciating what you had right in front of ya.


There is this boy I have fallen in love with. His name is Enrique. No, his surname is not Iglesias. He is an 11 year old boy who lives in the orphanage I work in. He and I have become besties. He always gives me the best hugs, asks me to play with him, and only lets me tutor him on his homework. Seriously, I think I want to adopt him as my own. Sorry, NC State, make room for one more in the ol' dorm room.
He does have one flaw that has almost been fatal. Here is the thing about kids: they absorb everything they watch on TV. For Honduran kids, that means they absorb the weirdest or most annoying English phrases and cling onto them for dear life. One kid, Michael, every time he sees me says "Hello, baby. I love you, baby. What's your problem, man?" Another, Edgar, says "I've had the time of my life and I owe it all to you-you-you...dirty bit". Yet Another, Cesar, says "whitowski"...still trying to figure this one out. He says it is Chinese for "pregnant woman". I find that hard to believe.
Enrique says "its okay its okay its okay its okay its okay" in a rapid pace. Messes up on homework? Its okay its okay its okay its okay. Wins a game of ping pong? its okay its okay its okay its okay its okay. Sitting down to lunch? Its okay its okay its okay its okay its okay.

It has almost ruined our friendship. I think he has started to notice that when he says it though, my tears are real. We are working through this difficulty. Im loving him through it while wrestling him to the ground and tickling him till he screams every time he says it. The kids gotta learn some way.

cayos cochinos: dankest.

Alright, so here we go with a long chain of blog posts that I should have written a while ago, but haven't had time. Slash, that's kind of a lie. I have had time, but the fact of the matter is that I didn't do it because I knew I would be in an airport by myself for two hours with nothing to do today. So here I am, in the airport. Watching a cat walk around the dining area. Day in a life, my friends.
I went to Cayos Cochinos this weekend. Some of you are asking yourselves: what is that place? And some of you are pretending to know. Well, to all of you I say: Cayos Cochinos is a chain of very small islands about an hour's boat drive away from La Ceiba. It has crystal clear water, beautiful straw huts, it's own language, and part of the second largest coral reef in the world. I truly think that my corner of heaven will have these things: Jesus, Dunkin Doughnuts, Pizza Hut Honduras, and Cayos Cochinos. Oh, also Pooh Bear. Sorry that I momentarily forgot you, pooh.
Anyways, I went there with my peeps, Amanda, Sarah, and a new volunteer I met named Bridey. We spent the day snorkeling, holding boa constrictors, and eating whole fish. It was the most fun. Literally though, whole fish. I had to pick around the bones. Which I thought I would hate, but since they caught the fish two hours before I ate it, it was the most divine thing I ever did taste. But, the main part I want you kiddos to know about the trip is a a guy called Josue.
Josue came with us to Cayos through a tourist company. None of us knew him, but oh we got to know him. First of all, he told us he only knew a litle bit of English, but then proceeded to join in on every conversation we had in English, perfectly. Then he was THAT snorkeler. You know the one who doesn't know how to breath properly or direct himself with his flippers. We spent the majority of the day making sure his breathing rhythm wasn't due to a heart attack, telling him to stop standing ON THE REEF, and trying to get him to stop kicking us in the face with his dang flippers. Needless to say, Josue unknowingly gave us some precious memories that I will laugh about for a long time to come.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

#11-#15: gratitude

And the list goes on. This week, I am thankful for...

11. Having daily confirmation that I am exactly where the Lord has called me to be.
12. A little boy in desperate need of some love in his life has chosen me to become friends with in the school I work at.
13. Living alone this past month. The Lord has become a true friend of mine because of it.
14. The sheer look of terror on a kid's face when you're chasing them in a tickle war.
15. My chocolate frosty today from wendys. It was my first taste of ice cream in my two months here.

In other news, sorry I've been behind on the blogging. I probably will continue to be this week. But, no fear, I have three hours by myself in an Internet cafe on saturday to make myself catch up.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

warm fuzzies

I mean seriously, how could you not get warm fuzzies when you read this:
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23

Or this:
"For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come." Hebrews13:14

Or this:
"Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me." Micah 7:8

All I'm saying is that Jesus is cool. I'm a fan of him. I'm also saying that I can't figure out if fuzzies is spelled with a "y" or an "ie", it looks weird both ways. Languages these days.

deep fried everything

So, I thought that maybe the North Carolina state fair was bad. Deep fried Oreos, deep fried snickers, deep fried pickles, deep fried coke, deep fried kool aid, and the list goes on. But, ladies and gentleman, NC State Fair has met its match. Hondurans love them some deep fried...everything. Yesterday I had spaghetti cooked in manteka sauce, which is, I've been told, straight lard. Delicious. Seriously though, when I work at the orphanage three days a week, I eat like a true honduran. Meaning, starches, sugars, and a pound of salt, all thrown into lard. Needless to say, I think I'm gaining the pre-freshman 500. However, I've started to eat healthy at home and I work out every day. I'm hoping that will take away from all the instant death I consume three days a week. But, I might have taken a giant step backwards by teaching the cook today how to cook deep fried Oreos. Oops.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

#6-10: gratitude

For those just tuning in, I have started to make a list of five things a week that I am grateful for. Now that it is nearing the holiday season, I'm so glad I started this.
6. Today began my favorite month of the year, so much holiday cheer and thankfulness.
7. I have a family that is constantly fighting for the Lord's glory, individually and together.
8. I've hit the point where not speaking Spanish is weirder to me than speaking it regularly.
9. I wore my hair down today (rare occurrence), and two little boys at school told me I looked pretty.
10. Seeing the sunrise on the mountains three days a week on my way to work.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

lesson learned

I took a taxi home today. As is norm, since I live slightly out of la ceiba and it's rainy season. Also, ceiba is dangerous at the moment. Anyways, the guy drove me to my neighborhood. We were just outside my neighborhood when he picked up another family. So,I simply said, "here is fine, thanks!" famous last words. You see, ceiba is dangerous right now. Also, my neighborhood is dangerous right now. I figured I was good because it was still the afternoon and I've only ever heard gunshots at night. However,I was walking on my street and parallel to me is the main street. On the other side of the main street, came two loud gun shots. Directly parallel to me. Now, here's the deal. It could've been a car backfiring. But, I've learned here that if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a gunshot. Or however the phrase goes. I can confidently say tonight was the only time in my life when i thought i was going to die. (besides the mailbox texting incident of 2008, a different story for a different, nonexistent time) Point of the story is, I didn't look to my right or left and I increased my walking speed to a slight jog. I guess from now on, I will make my taxi driver pull up to my door always and forever. But, I guess I can find a positive out of all this. I'm alive. And i just doubled my street cred.

a love affair

Dear love of my life,
Yeah, you know who you are. I've started seeing you more and more, so you must've noticed me by now. I love you, a lot. I love how as soon as I enter your room, I feel comfortable and cool. I love that with you in my life, I can feel at home. You make me feel relaxed. And you always provide chocolate. It's like you accept me for who I am. Today, you gave me hot chocolate. I can't tell you how much that meant to me. I've been craving hot chocolate. Anyways, what I'm trying to say is, I love all of you. Especially your wireless Internet, and delicious chocolate sprinkled doughnuts. So thanks, dunkin doughnuts. You rock, don't ever change. I mean that.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Well sheesh

Today i ate at the pizza hut here for the fourth week in a row. Judge all you want, but I'm convinced Jesus is saving a little piece of heaven for pizza hut honduras. Anyways, I think I ate the whole store. I had a sprite. A personal pan pizza. A salad. A brownie al a mode. And monkey bread type thing. Seriously so much food. I went with my friend Amanda and I think we hit that American stereo type dead on. Your welcome fellow citizens of the states.
And due to a stye in my right eyelid that formed this morning (probably due to stress), I did all this with one eye. Which if you don't analyze that too much, makes it all more impressive. My workout plan starts tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

1000 beautiful things

So, you've probably heard of the blog dedicated to listing 1000 things the blogger is grateful for. Well, I've decided to do that every tuesday, at least while I'm here in Hondy. I hope to do it when I return as well, but we will see. I'm going to list 5 things every week. Why Tuesday, you ask? Because I thought of this today, and it's Tuesday. So here we go.

#1: when I have a bad day, everyone in my family contacts me within 24 hours.
#2: you can buy 4 movies for five dollars in this beautiful, lawless country.
#3: chocolate continues to exist and I continue to consume it regularly.
#4: every cloud is so beautiful; I just want to cry.
#5: the moment after a long awaited sneeze.

Monday, October 24, 2011

all sad things become untrue

I'm finding myself more broken than I remember being in a long time. I have been living by myself in my home slash in a mother missionary's home for the past week. And that was fine and I was surviving, knowing that my roommate would return this morning. Well, after a drastic turn in events, Shannon is forbidden from the country for ten days. (she didn't do anything illegal, read the story here: And, ten days from now, she would be in Mexico for a missions conference. Long story short, I am going to be myself for the next three weeks.
She told me this last night and I'm hesitant to even blog about it because I know she will feel bad. (Shannon, this is not your fault. The Lord is teaching both of us something, clearly). But, I am so sad. I realized last night and this morning through many, many tears and long conversations with the Lord and with my sister, that I have put my hope on my circumstances. I was trusting in the Lord last week with the knowledge that the suffering would end when Shannon returned today. But, that's not really faith. I've listened to two sermons on sufferin since last night (JD Greear and John Piper) and I can't rely on my circumstances. Especially in this culture where it is impossible to plan anything. Seriously, would you ever expect that you couldn't rely on someone coming home at least within a week of when the planned to?! Bah, Latin America, you kill me.
Do I know how to pay rent? No. Do I know how to cook dinner for three weeks for myself? No. Do i like going grocery shopping and such by myself? No. Do I want to be a mother to 20 kids in my house by myself? No. Do I want to watch all the people I've become friends with here, come and go for the next three weeks? No. Did I want to hit my one month and two month mark by myself? No. But, the Lord is consistent through it all and he will give me the strength to get through my suffering the moment I need it and not a second sooner. I'm not happy and cheery now that I've realized this. I'm still really sad. But, I'm fighting for my joy in the Lord because Satan can take my happiness and comfort, but he can't take that from me.
Some key points from the sermons I listened to:
"Peter saw in the resurrection: when it was the worst day and it looked like God was in the least control, he was in the most control."
"walking with Jesus is often simultanesouly great joy and deep pain."
"there will be time when our pain is transformed into joy and all sad things become untrue."
"'The Lord is my portion' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in him..'" Lamentations 3:24

Saturday, October 22, 2011

interesting turn of events

So, the weather has quite a variety. It changes from hot to sweltering hot to kill me now it's so hot, on a daily basis. So bipolar. But, honestly some times I complain, but I guess you hit a point where a constant state of sweat is just normal life. I am, however, grateful that my mission here is not finding a male friend I can call my own. Hard to look cute in this climate, ladies.
Since Thursday though, the temperature has drastically dropped. To high 70s. Now, you may be thinking that is not cold in the slightest, but it's freezing up in here. I've spent the last three days In leggings, long socks, and long sleeves. All wrapped up in a blanket. It has been heavenly. I think I might even be developing a cold, praise the Lord! Seriously, these days have been the highlight of my week. Now excuse me while I go make myself some hot chocolate and curl up to Pride and Prejudice. These are the days of our lives.

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Some may find it frustrating to have a broken pipe and termites in their concrete house. Some may find it even more frustrating that these things happened when they were all by themselves in a different country. Well, not this guy. Through this, I have had three phone conversations entirely in Spanish, have set appointments, and have had no problems with communication. And not once has my landlord told me I can't speak Spanish (which I'm telling you is an adults favorite thing to do around here). So, I'm feeling pretty good about it all. Bring it on, pipes and termites!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


So, I hit my one month mark on Friday. I've been waiting so long to hit that because I just felt like it was such an accomplishment and that it would finally feel like I was at home. The thing is though, I really struggled this weekend. I tihink I got a little taste of cultue shock and I just was having issues with a lot of things. I wanted to be back in Cary, where I could drive a car, always have minutes on my phone, speak my own language, and relax. I love my life here, but it is just so diffferent. I never am able to relax. Everything I do is exhausting because my brain is just always on overdrive. I was a weak mess this weekend and I was so, so close to buying a ticket home.
BUT, the Lord is faithful and so good. He has been such a comfort to me in the past few days. I have made great new friends where I work and life has just gotten slightly easier. I still feel exhausted and I am still counting downs the days till home (hate that I'm still doing that), but I'm getting there. In my weakest moments, I am a daughter of the King and he will always, always be faithful. Praise the good Lord for that!

"But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: the steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 'the Lord is my portion,' says my soul, 'therefore i will hope in Him." Lamentations 3:21-24

Saturday, October 15, 2011

like white paper

Shannon and her family are leaving the country tomorrow. Shannon is going to Peru on a business trip for the week and her family is returning to the states. I think Shannon is more concerned about me eating while she is gone than leaving the country. so what if i eat cereal all week because it's the only thing i know how to make? whater. In honor of the Innes family's departures though, we took some of the boys (Jeffrey, Kevin, Ever, Jose, Cristopher, and Jeffrey's brother Guillermo) that come to our house to the river. There are many rivers in this city so I guess I should explain myself. There is a little watering hole with mini waterfalls and such about ten minutes from our house. All you have to do is pay about a dollar to go in for as long as you'd like. Yes, I think of Lion King whenever I say watering hole, but it's just what it is.
It was such a fun time though. The boys were so cute and excited and I just felt such a sense of family with them. It amazes me daily that I feel so close to them and love them so much despite our differences in culture, language, and pretty much anything else you can think of. I thank God for that blessing though, on a daily basis. Those boys truly are my family.
Few funny things that happened. The water was ICE cold. seriously, so cold and it felt even colder because when you feel like your in an oven day in and day out, you don't expect any type of relief. However, as soon as the tip of my pinky toe hit the water, the boys started splashing me till I was soaked to the core. All the while shouting, "TIENE MIEDO! TIENE MIEDO!" which essentially means scaredycat. The were loving it.
We also were able to jump off one of the waterfallish things into the river. So exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. The boys switched from calling me scaredycat to telling me to be careful because I was sure to fall and hurt myself.
The highlight for me though was lunchtime. We were all sitting on the rocks eating PB&J. I had little Ever on my lap and Shannon and her brother, Xan, were eating while sitting in the water. All of the sudden though, I heard little giggles and whispers from all the boys around me. Then i heard one of them say, "like white paper" under their breath. That's when it clicked for me. In the water, Xan was completely submerged and because he is pale and under the water, he was practically glowing. The boys thought this was the funniest thing and wouldn't stop laughing. Once they saw that I understood, they would giggle and say "Cait, he's like white paper. Like a big piece of white paper!"
How easy it is to entertain young boys, no matter what country they are from.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

bob esponja

So, I help teach fourth grade on Mondays, Tuesdays, and thursdays. My favorite part of the day is the 30minute English class they have because for that half hour, I can feel smarter than those ten year olds. Maybe I've hit rock bottom. Anyways, on Tuesday they had to come up with sentences and english for a game. Here are some of my favorite ones:
My heart wants. (so unintentionally poetic)
My pen runs. (literally)
I write the notebook.
I am read.
My dog eats cars, trucks, and spongebob.
I speak the English. (not that funny on paper, but they say "I espeak da eenglish". Cutest.)

Love that class so much. And if you are ever wondering what spongebob is in Spanish, it's bob esponja. Yup, try figuring out how to translate that into English when a kid asks you to. So much struggle. Why would I ever guess that they were saying spongebob?

scattergories categories

There are few places in my life where my ability to have no clear train of thought is applauded. Actually, I can only think of one: scattergories categories. Shannon's family is in town and let me tell you, they are quite the gaming crew. Kate Defunk (yeah I said Defunk) prepare yourself mentally to play lots of games. Also, figure out how to cheat. I've figured out that the way to ruin a good game for Shannon is to cheat. So, I do so in order to express that I don't want to play that particular game. However, with scattergories categories, there is no need for cheating.
The point of the game is to come up with words in a catergory, but they have to start with certain letters and your word can't be the same as anyone else's or you don't win. For instance, we had to say something that was pitch black that started with an I. Logically I said "indonesia without electricity at night" and literally it took me less than five seconds to think of that. I thought it was simple enough. Well, it brought the house down.
Nothing like a little positive laughter at my random nature after years of shame and humility. I do hate games and I will never stop hating games, but I could get used to this one.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

so much to tell, so little blog time.

Alright, blogging everyday is hard. i"m trying to because I love to be able to process my day and detox through blogging. Also, im keeping my peeps updated at the same time. two birds, one stone. But, I've fallen short this week. So, here's what had happened this week in list and picture form:
1. Shannon's mom and dad came into town with their friends, the Chapmans. They are from my Peace church family and so it's like a little reunion down here.
2. I found out that during the day, some mysterious creature lurks in my bed and leavs little pellets behind. oof.
3. Pooh Bear, m long lost love, arrived into town with Shannon's parents. I'm sorry Pooh for ever thinking socks and underwear were more important in my suitcase than you. Ive learned my mistake.
4. A Honduran man tried to kiss me on the lips and Shannon had to tach him boundaries.
5. I started my jo at the orphanage/school and I learned how to take someone's blood sugar and pressure all in one day. (well, almost, still working on the blood pressure, my hands cramp too much)
6. I got a wittle bit sick due to dehydration and a weird bug i caught.

I mean, could you get any cuter than these two brothers? I submit you could not.

Funny story about this little booger. He told us his name was Juan Carlos and that was a lie. His real name is Moises. Why he lied, no one will ever know.

AND, meet the real Juan Carlos. Yup, this sweetheart has been going by Jeffrey for three weeks until we ran into another missionary who told us that he is not Jeffrey, he is Juan Carlos. So many pointless lies.

Oh yes, and I went swimming with the dolphins this morning in Roatan. So, SO fun! I am obsessed. After the initial pictures, 4 others and myself paid extra to snorkel with 20 dolphins. It was so so so fun and so cheap! Seriously, one of my tp life experiencs. Also,we took a crazy plane to Roatan. I have a picture, but blogger isn't letting me post it currently. I'll ty again on my next post. Exatcly ten people fit inside and it was exciting and petrifying at the same time. At one point, when we were in the middle of a storm cloud and all i could see was white, i honestly thought i would see my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ before sundown. Such an experience.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

pink house, two floors

I've always prided myself on having an excellent sense of direction. It usually only takes me going to a place once before I know how to do it on my own. But I tell ya, La Ceiba has broken my streak. Most of the streets in this town don't have names and everything seems to move places on a daily basis. The place I ate dinner on my first day here is somehow a couple doors down from a place I ate at last night. You have to cross a bridge to get to my house and there is only two ways of getting to that bridge but somehow I'm shocked every time we approach, not knowing where it came from. I expressed these thoughts to Shannon last night and she gave me some tips to help me learn.

There are two main roads that lead to one of the main honduran cities, San Pedro Sula. One is called "road to San Pedro Sula by way of Burger King" and the other is called "road to San Pedro Sula by way of Saopin." Fuente Saopin is the bridge leading us to our house, once you get there, tell the taxi driver "left at auto sport, second street on the right, two stories, pink house." To get to my language school, you head to the gym (not the workout gym, but the karote one) and take the second street on the left.

I asked Shannon what our official address was. In the bank, we are registered to live at "la alemeda, la ceiba, alantidad, Honduras, central America. Left at the auto sport, second street on the right, third house on the right, the pink one with two floors."

All this to say that I'm more confused than ever and we own a PO box here.

Friday, September 30, 2011

new teaching style

Today was my last day of language school. Gloria a Dios! So grateful I don't have any homework anymore in this country, done with school for the year. Yes, I'm aware of the harsh reality I'll be facing in college next year, but ya gotta live while you can! Anyways, it was a weird day. All was normal till the last hour of school, when she pulled out...her laptop. That's not the weird part. She pulled it out, went on YouTube, pulled up a Spanish Christian song, and yes ladies and gentlemen, we sang along with the song I didn't know. I literally had no choice after I realized saying no ten times just wasn't getting through to her. It was the most awkward. Moral of the story: when your teacher asks you your likes and dislikes on the first day of school, she WILL use them against you.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

on a lighter note

So, i've discovered that the laws in Honduras are not so much preventive. Here are some laws for driving: you must have a license plate (respectable), you must have your seat belt on IF you are in the front two seats, and in your trunk you must have in your possession four traffic cones and a fire extinguisher. Why you ask? well logically, guys, you need the traffic cones if you get in an accident in the middle of the street and you have to redirect traffic and you need the fire extinguisher for, well duh, in case of a fire. So, i guess the thought process here is: why prevent the worst case scenario, if you can prepare for it?

in other news, i realized today that i had forgotten that seat belts are supposed to exist in cars. maybe i should be concerned, but i take it as one more step into the culture.

and that's the problem with used appliances

well see, i am staying by myself for the week due to shannon abandoning me and going to an exotic honduran island. did i mention that already? anyways, it's been going great all weeks of course everything bad needed to happen on the same day. to start, school happened. there is only so many conversations you can have with a tutor you've hung out with one on one for 36 hours over the past week or so. literally every conversation has about two lines and ended. afterward, on my way home, with Donal the taxi driver, got into a little bit of a fender bender. apparently, the taxi behind us, just didn't think we were going fast enough, logically, hitting us and making Donal have to check his bumper made everything go way faster for him.
so, i get home and head to the fridge for lunch but, oh wait, it's broken. the thing is, i don't even know how to fix a fridge in my own language. so yikes. good thing mr. clow, a part of the Mission to the World team, came over to help. Turns out, the freezer was just taking a little rest and after us touching nothing, it decided it was time to start working again.
And you think that's where it ends. Some of my children came again today for food. I had five boys hanging out while the whole fridge thing was going on. The thing is that these particular boys have discovered just how much of a language barrier there is between us and they use it to their advantage. And i don't know how to discipline in Spanish. You tend to lose your authority when you stumble over your words, i've come to discover. SO, i had to kick them out and that was just super hard. I don't like having to enforce rules to kids. especially kids who have barely anything in this world.
long story short, i experienced some culture shock today. And it was difficult. But, my family came to the rescue via Skype and so did Jeffrey, one of the really kind boys. So, it turned out alright in the end. Maybe not so much now though because i have to go write a two page paper (at least) in spanish. oof. Satan sure knows how to hit ya where it hurts.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

a mother and friend

So, this week my roommate Shannon abandoned me and went to one of the beautiful islands of Honduras. We are not on speaking terms, mostly being because she has no internet. Anyways, I am taking care of the house on my own. That also means that I am taking care of me and Shannon's children as well. Yes, I cook for them, I clean the house, I wash the dishes. Just your regular house wife type. But, really, I might actually have switched my 18 year old, just graduated high school life for a domestic, loving motherly one. I don't know how it happened. Honduras does some crazy stuff to a person. Sometimes, it makes me laugh to think that next year I am going to be a freshman in college. How do I play those get to know you games? Hi, my name is Caitlin. IN this past year, I lived in a different country for 7 months learning a different language and parenting 8 to 9 young boys. Not a big deal, just call me ques. But really, I'm loving this part of my life. Wouldn't give it up. Now excuse me while i go answer the doorbell for the 15th time today,

Sunday, September 25, 2011

without a question

As i said in the previous post, we went to the mall yesterday. Kevin, Ever, and Jeffrey had cleaned Shannon's car earlier that day and so they had each received the equivalent of a 1.50$ for their work. Well, when we got to the mall, there was an ice cream shop. Of course all three boys jumped at the opportunity to use their own money to buy some ice cream and they raced to the front of the line. Jose, the other boy who came to the mall with us, just stood beside me and shannon since he had no money to buy some.
Jeffrey was the first to get his ice cream and he smiled ear to ear as he savored the banana flavor. It only took him a minute to realize that Jose had no money and without a word of advice from Shannon or me, Jeffrey pulled out the remainder of his money and gave it to the very grateful Jose, to buy some ice cream.
I seriously almost burst into tears watching this. I mean literally these boy have nothing of their own and having any type of money at all is a huge treat. The fact that Jeffrey could give away his money without thought, truly reminded me of my own selfishness. It's so difficult for me to offer money to others and I have more than enough to share. I can't explain how a little boy with no money can be so generous outside of the gospel and it's constant display in all of our lives.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

you know you are family when...

So, I took a shower last night and I did the usual debate in my head: to shave my legs or not to shave my legs? Sorry to all you boys out there who think we girls live for that type of thing. We most certainly do not. I made the decision that I'm not trying to find a man friend here and there's no one I want to impress so, what the hay, noshave-tober it is.
Well, Shan, Kate (future roomie), and I went to the mall today with the boys. The mall here is called "el mall", clever. The roomies went into a store while I stayed out with the four boys who were eating ice cream. All was going well till Jeffrey looked at me and said, "why don't you cut your leg hairs?" yes, he used the verb you use for GRASS. Then, they all proceeded to rub my legs and giggle and make disgusted faces at me. I mean sheesh, their moms don't shave their legs ever and I just took a day off. Lesson learned, never will I ever choose laziness again in this country. I don't want little Ever treating my leg hairs as a punchline ever again.

Friday, September 23, 2011

the gringas unite!

Let me set the scene. i'm told by shannon that she is going to a church service tonight with her friend heather and i am more than welcome to join. naturally i asked what it was like. she responded, "i mean like a service, we sing, we have a talk, it's like youth group, but for older people." So, i think to myself, sheesh, i'm gonna need to wear a skirt and look nice. see ya gym shorts.
So, we are on our way, or trying to be, but we were stuck in the traffic jam of the century and wind up being 15 minutes late. We begin to walk towards the group and i think to myself, hm, a lot of people wearing blue tonight. We all joke that it's embarrassing that we are showing up late and we are gringas so we stand out an extra amount. little did we know, that was the least embarrassing thing.
Turns out, it was sports team themed night. we were going to be playing volleyball. all. night. the most dressed up person besides us was a girl wearing a soccer uniform with a bow in her hair. NOT IDEAL. So, we didn't have a team, or the right clothes, or the right language. we were destined for success. we somehow threw together an impromptu team, got our behinds handed to us, and left the court with our white faces held high.
The irony of the matter is that all of us were wishing as we left the house that we could be in our gym shorts. but who would want to be THOSE gringas who went against the honduran flow. hah, touché Honduras, touché.

the unimportance of time

So, i inherited my father's need for schedule at a young age. i like to know when dinner is before i eat my breakfast, i rarely vary my daily routine, and when i decide what time i need to be somewhere, i need to be there at that exact time. if that's wrong, i don't wanna be right. and, apparently that's wrong in thi country of mine. I called my taxi friend Donal yesterday to pick me up from school at 12. I called him at 10 just to be sure he could do it. it got to 12:10 and i decided that I might as well call him. This is how our convo went.
"Donal? it's caitlin, remember me"
"Donal, did you maybe forget about me?"
"Oh no....i'll be ther...soon"
15 minutes later, he shows up. with my roommate Bethany in the car. so, that threw me off. then i had to drive to Armenia Bonito to drop her off with Donal. it's approximately 25 minutes away. after that, we picked up 3 more stragglers to take them to their desired locations. An hour and a half later, I was home. Just another day in Honduras. call me a doormat because I have a feeling i might tell people to please walk all over me as long as I'm here. whateva.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

satan in the form of a mood

that is what i think of when i think of the present subjunctive tense in spanish. wait, i'm sorry, it is not a tense, it's a mood. yup, i'm just as confused as you are and i studied it for four hours straight today in language school. reviewing the stupid subjunctive today was the closest i have come to crying this whole time i have been in honduras. honestly though, i hate it. i now think i understand it way better than before school today, but if i could trade those four hours for any other activity, even eating slugs, i think i would jump at the opportunity. (if i said that sentence in spanish, it would be subjunctive).
so, my morning wasn't excellent. i guess i had some culture shock for breakfast with a little nature valley bar on the side. after school, i tried to catch a taxi. and was rejected by two. why you ask? because i live less than a minute outside of the city limits. apparently it's absurd to ask a driver to go that far out of their way for you. well, whatever because i have my new best friend, Donal, in the form of an english speaking taxi driver who loves Jesus. i tipped him today and said, "because you saved me today when i needed you, Donal". he seemed to enjoy that.
i was supposed to go shopping with the roomies this afternoon, but i said, "no, i need a break from this culture today, i'm just going to chill by myself at home." 20 minutes later, door bell rings and the boys are waiting outside. now, some of you guys might be thinking "just give them an apple and send them on their way." well folks, i tried that. but, you try looking into 6 pairs of the cutest little eyes and say "hey, i know this is the highlight of your day and i know you sometimes don't get hugs or love from any one else, much less food, but i'm tired, so you can turn around and walk the 20 minutes it took for you to get here." so, i let them inside and played with them by myself for 3ish hours. it was fun, but so so exhausting and i just wanted to sleep. but, i just couldn't. eventually i gave them dinner and told them they had to leave. i figure after three games of uno, multiple soccer match-ups. two puzzles, and a dr. seuss matching game later, they should know that i love them. and they all gave me hugs and kisses goodbye. so, though i am still in a sort of mood and i still feel numb due to culture shock, i can't say i regret my ability to say no. come one come all is going to have to be my new catch phrase for the next 7 months.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

call me ques

It's difficult for me to pick out which part of my day is the most worthy to blog about. I used to have the problem of what to find to blog about, before Honduras. Now, I'm on overload. Well, first of all, I've been taking language school starting yesterday and we already have a love hate relationship where it loves to humiliate me and I hate it. But, it's helping me learn so, I suffer for the cause.
But the part of the day that was my absolute favorite was this afternoon. The boys stopped by to hang out primarily and also to eat at our house. Assume when I say "the boys" I mean Jeffrey, Kevin, Christopher, and Ever (pronounced eber). They are our regulars. Anyways, they came by today and I fell in love times ten. I played puzzles and a matching game with Jeffrey and Kevin and they are just the absolute cutest. Their smiles are so innocent and I can't help but be so so happy seeing them. Sheesh, I miss them already. Jeffrey and I became best friends today and he is helping me with my Spanish. Those boys literally have the kindest hearts. Kevin loves to give hugs and kisses and I love to receive them. Eber gave me a hug today and said "nĂºmero uno" and I like to think its because I'm #1 and not because that was the number on the back of my tshirt.
They call me ques. Imagine queso and say it rather fast and then cut of the o. That's how they pronounce cait. I can't tell if it's a joke or not, to be determined. In other news, every time I think of something to write or say, I initially think it in Spanish. I feel like that's a good sign. Goodnight and goodbye, my friends.

Monday, September 19, 2011

things I must unlearn

When yo live in a 3rd world country, there are things you gotta unteach yourself. Here is what I've compiled so far:
1. Vegetables and fruits arw always clean.
2. Toilet paper can be flushed.
3. You will always have running water.
4. The refrigerator door will hold itself open (maybe that is just a specific problem to my fridge)
5. Dishes will find a way to be washed without manual labor.
6. All phones have passed the black and white screen phase.

More to come as I find more to unlearn. In other news, during a break in language school today, two tutors were talking and I zoned out cuz I was sick of spanish. Tuned back in to the girl quoting Ghandi with the boy following up with a discussion on Denzel Washington. Never been so curious as to what i missed out on while zoning out.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

my new boyfriend

So, I live in a house with Shannon and Bethany. At this house, there are many street children who ring the bell outside of our gate to ask for food. So, Bethany and Shannon have made the rule that they will feed every child who asks once a day and love on the children as much as possible. and i love it. These kids are just the best. I woke up this morning to find three little boys eating in our garage. They proceeded to hang out in the garage for a couple of hours and washed Shannon's car for free. the absolutely refused to take any money even though they need it. The two oldest are 11 and one of them wants to be my boyfriend as his disloyal friend told me. can't say im not flattered though i probably lost my charm when he asked me to give him my watch and i told him the time. lost in translation i guess. Point of the story is that 7 kids came in and out of our house all day and we just get to watch movies, feed them, play games, and love on them. Seriously, the Lord is literally bringing our work to our doorstep. the verse "let the little children come" is my life. I just want to adopt them all. Sorry parents but by the time I come home I will have a husband (my new boyfriend, duh) and 7 more children for you to raise. sorry bout it. I don't ever want to leave my house because i don't ever want to leave these kids.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

and now for Armenia Bonito

Well, this was the place that lifted my spirits the most on this crazy hectic day. But wait, I forgot to mention everything about yesterday and me entering the country, so if you wanna know about the funniest adventure yet, read my roommates blog ( it's worth your time. Anyways, so we visited Armenia and it was a much more impoverished place than the city of La Ceiba, but i adored it. There are kids all over the street that I was introduced to by Shannon and Bethany (my two roommates) and those little ninos are to die for. They are all so little and cute. One little girl gave me a run for my money. I could literally understand everything she was saying to shannon while she was speaking to her. Then shannon told her to ask me a question to prove I could speak Spanish. So she looked at me and asked a question using a slang term, so of course i didn't understand. COOL. she just turned to shannon and said "she doesn't know spanish". so, gotta work on that i guess. I definitely have my weak moments throughout the day and there are times when i literally almost bought a plane ticket home, but overall, I know I am going to grow to love this place.

blog post #3 of the day finished. hasta luego!

the city of La Ceiba

I am living in La Ceiba, but I will be working in Armenia Bonito which is about 40 minutes away from my casa (just showing off my fluency). We toured both places today, but in this post I will talk about La Ceiba. We went to the local mall that is actually set up as an american mall...essentially (don't go picturing Hollister and Aunt Katie's Pretzel stand). There I bought a phone (I use that term loosely) and some movies. 3 for 5 dollars. get ready movie collection, you're about to grow in number. Then, we just walked around so i could get an idea for what everything looked like. we did a little grocery shopping as well. It's so crazy because all of my sense are in overdrive. Everything I hear is in the front of my mind and I can't ignore any conversations around me or noises. Everything is so unfamiliar that my brain is just trying to make sense of it all. it's utterly exhausting and embarrassing because i look like a gringo who loves to eavesdrop. sheesh. We got some lunch as well. just a little coke light, plantains, baliada (tortilla filled with beans, eggs, and chess) and some other yums that i don't know the name of. After that, we just drove around to the beach (so so close by, maybe 10 minutes from my house) and such. It was a fun day and it just shows me how much fun I'll have once I have the confidence and ability to get to know La Ceiba. Also, the phone I have is probably the first version of a phone that Nokia ever created. BUT the service provider is Tigo, so for all of you kiddos who've been to Guate, you know how cool I am.

blog post #2 of the day finished.

until the day i die

So, I'm in Hondy. I got here yesterday afternoon around noon. so, not afternoon i guess. It's been really good and weird and scary and exhausting. I am so overwhelmed by so many things and I just have an abundance of things I want to express. So, I've decided to blog multiple times because let's be honest, no one reads a long blog post. So, I'm tricking ya into reading every. single. word. I will start out by listing things I will love about this place until the day I die:

1. There are always mountains to the right of me and beach to the left. (unless i turn around then it's vice versa)
2. La Ceiba is a place that loves Coca Cola products, so much so that you can buy Coca Cola light (the rest of the world's version of diet coke) AND diet coke. I have had both today and i couldn't be more in love.
3. A police man thought I was Honduran four hours after I entered the country. i didn't fool just any Honduran, I fooled an official one.
4 The clouds are the puffiest things in the whole world and we all know I'm a sucker for clouds.
5. I have already had two smoothies and plan to not stop that habit for the next 7 months.

end of blog post #1 for the day.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

my grand adventure

How to begin. Hm, well I guess to start, I should give you a few facts about myself. My name is Caitlin, I am from a wonderful family of five older sisters and one younger brother, and my mother is British (I think that's the coolest thing about myself, maybe that's pathetic. Eh.). I am in love with the Lord Jesus and I am know I am only redeemed through Him. My goal in life is to fall more in love with Him. As my church's missions statement says: love God. Love each other. Love our world. I daily try to live that.
Well, I thought that mission would be easy in my hometown: Cary, North Carolina, but that is not what the Lord has ordained for my life. I am taking a gap year in between high school and college. I leave for La Ceiba, Honduras this Friday, as in two days from now. Panic. I will be living there for 7 months. There, I will be working in a boy's orphanage Monday-Friday. It is a Christian home run by an american man and his Honduran wife. I'll be living with a family friend, Shannon, who happens to live in the same city (completely unexpected, God's cool). I am so excited to see what the Lord is going to do and also scared out of my mind. Sheesh. I think people have the idea that missionaries have super strength and zero fear. Well, not this missionary. But, I know the Lord is good and strong, so I have no need to rely on myself.

Things I am concerned about: that five years of Spanish will have no impact in my ability to speak, that Honduras will only sell Pepsi products, that I might be five feet taller than the average Honduran, and that I'll miss my family too much. These things keep me up at night, folks.
Also, you should know for future reference that I refer to Honduras as hondy or Hondyland. So, get ready for that.