Friday, September 23, 2011

the gringas unite!

Let me set the scene. i'm told by shannon that she is going to a church service tonight with her friend heather and i am more than welcome to join. naturally i asked what it was like. she responded, "i mean like a service, we sing, we have a talk, it's like youth group, but for older people." So, i think to myself, sheesh, i'm gonna need to wear a skirt and look nice. see ya gym shorts.
So, we are on our way, or trying to be, but we were stuck in the traffic jam of the century and wind up being 15 minutes late. We begin to walk towards the group and i think to myself, hm, a lot of people wearing blue tonight. We all joke that it's embarrassing that we are showing up late and we are gringas so we stand out an extra amount. little did we know, that was the least embarrassing thing.
Turns out, it was sports team themed night. we were going to be playing volleyball. all. night. the most dressed up person besides us was a girl wearing a soccer uniform with a bow in her hair. NOT IDEAL. So, we didn't have a team, or the right clothes, or the right language. we were destined for success. we somehow threw together an impromptu team, got our behinds handed to us, and left the court with our white faces held high.
The irony of the matter is that all of us were wishing as we left the house that we could be in our gym shorts. but who would want to be THOSE gringas who went against the honduran flow. hah, touché Honduras, touché.

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