Sunday, October 30, 2011

lesson learned

I took a taxi home today. As is norm, since I live slightly out of la ceiba and it's rainy season. Also, ceiba is dangerous at the moment. Anyways, the guy drove me to my neighborhood. We were just outside my neighborhood when he picked up another family. So,I simply said, "here is fine, thanks!" famous last words. You see, ceiba is dangerous right now. Also, my neighborhood is dangerous right now. I figured I was good because it was still the afternoon and I've only ever heard gunshots at night. However,I was walking on my street and parallel to me is the main street. On the other side of the main street, came two loud gun shots. Directly parallel to me. Now, here's the deal. It could've been a car backfiring. But, I've learned here that if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a gunshot. Or however the phrase goes. I can confidently say tonight was the only time in my life when i thought i was going to die. (besides the mailbox texting incident of 2008, a different story for a different, nonexistent time) Point of the story is, I didn't look to my right or left and I increased my walking speed to a slight jog. I guess from now on, I will make my taxi driver pull up to my door always and forever. But, I guess I can find a positive out of all this. I'm alive. And i just doubled my street cred.

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