Wednesday, September 21, 2011

satan in the form of a mood

that is what i think of when i think of the present subjunctive tense in spanish. wait, i'm sorry, it is not a tense, it's a mood. yup, i'm just as confused as you are and i studied it for four hours straight today in language school. reviewing the stupid subjunctive today was the closest i have come to crying this whole time i have been in honduras. honestly though, i hate it. i now think i understand it way better than before school today, but if i could trade those four hours for any other activity, even eating slugs, i think i would jump at the opportunity. (if i said that sentence in spanish, it would be subjunctive).
so, my morning wasn't excellent. i guess i had some culture shock for breakfast with a little nature valley bar on the side. after school, i tried to catch a taxi. and was rejected by two. why you ask? because i live less than a minute outside of the city limits. apparently it's absurd to ask a driver to go that far out of their way for you. well, whatever because i have my new best friend, Donal, in the form of an english speaking taxi driver who loves Jesus. i tipped him today and said, "because you saved me today when i needed you, Donal". he seemed to enjoy that.
i was supposed to go shopping with the roomies this afternoon, but i said, "no, i need a break from this culture today, i'm just going to chill by myself at home." 20 minutes later, door bell rings and the boys are waiting outside. now, some of you guys might be thinking "just give them an apple and send them on their way." well folks, i tried that. but, you try looking into 6 pairs of the cutest little eyes and say "hey, i know this is the highlight of your day and i know you sometimes don't get hugs or love from any one else, much less food, but i'm tired, so you can turn around and walk the 20 minutes it took for you to get here." so, i let them inside and played with them by myself for 3ish hours. it was fun, but so so exhausting and i just wanted to sleep. but, i just couldn't. eventually i gave them dinner and told them they had to leave. i figure after three games of uno, multiple soccer match-ups. two puzzles, and a dr. seuss matching game later, they should know that i love them. and they all gave me hugs and kisses goodbye. so, though i am still in a sort of mood and i still feel numb due to culture shock, i can't say i regret my ability to say no. come one come all is going to have to be my new catch phrase for the next 7 months.

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