Tuesday, September 20, 2011

call me ques

It's difficult for me to pick out which part of my day is the most worthy to blog about. I used to have the problem of what to find to blog about, before Honduras. Now, I'm on overload. Well, first of all, I've been taking language school starting yesterday and we already have a love hate relationship where it loves to humiliate me and I hate it. But, it's helping me learn so, I suffer for the cause.
But the part of the day that was my absolute favorite was this afternoon. The boys stopped by to hang out primarily and also to eat at our house. Assume when I say "the boys" I mean Jeffrey, Kevin, Christopher, and Ever (pronounced eber). They are our regulars. Anyways, they came by today and I fell in love times ten. I played puzzles and a matching game with Jeffrey and Kevin and they are just the absolute cutest. Their smiles are so innocent and I can't help but be so so happy seeing them. Sheesh, I miss them already. Jeffrey and I became best friends today and he is helping me with my Spanish. Those boys literally have the kindest hearts. Kevin loves to give hugs and kisses and I love to receive them. Eber gave me a hug today and said "nĂºmero uno" and I like to think its because I'm #1 and not because that was the number on the back of my tshirt.
They call me ques. Imagine queso and say it rather fast and then cut of the o. That's how they pronounce cait. I can't tell if it's a joke or not, to be determined. In other news, every time I think of something to write or say, I initially think it in Spanish. I feel like that's a good sign. Goodnight and goodbye, my friends.

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