Monday, October 24, 2011

all sad things become untrue

I'm finding myself more broken than I remember being in a long time. I have been living by myself in my home slash in a mother missionary's home for the past week. And that was fine and I was surviving, knowing that my roommate would return this morning. Well, after a drastic turn in events, Shannon is forbidden from the country for ten days. (she didn't do anything illegal, read the story here: And, ten days from now, she would be in Mexico for a missions conference. Long story short, I am going to be myself for the next three weeks.
She told me this last night and I'm hesitant to even blog about it because I know she will feel bad. (Shannon, this is not your fault. The Lord is teaching both of us something, clearly). But, I am so sad. I realized last night and this morning through many, many tears and long conversations with the Lord and with my sister, that I have put my hope on my circumstances. I was trusting in the Lord last week with the knowledge that the suffering would end when Shannon returned today. But, that's not really faith. I've listened to two sermons on sufferin since last night (JD Greear and John Piper) and I can't rely on my circumstances. Especially in this culture where it is impossible to plan anything. Seriously, would you ever expect that you couldn't rely on someone coming home at least within a week of when the planned to?! Bah, Latin America, you kill me.
Do I know how to pay rent? No. Do I know how to cook dinner for three weeks for myself? No. Do i like going grocery shopping and such by myself? No. Do I want to be a mother to 20 kids in my house by myself? No. Do I want to watch all the people I've become friends with here, come and go for the next three weeks? No. Did I want to hit my one month and two month mark by myself? No. But, the Lord is consistent through it all and he will give me the strength to get through my suffering the moment I need it and not a second sooner. I'm not happy and cheery now that I've realized this. I'm still really sad. But, I'm fighting for my joy in the Lord because Satan can take my happiness and comfort, but he can't take that from me.
Some key points from the sermons I listened to:
"Peter saw in the resurrection: when it was the worst day and it looked like God was in the least control, he was in the most control."
"walking with Jesus is often simultanesouly great joy and deep pain."
"there will be time when our pain is transformed into joy and all sad things become untrue."
"'The Lord is my portion' says my soul, 'therefore I will hope in him..'" Lamentations 3:24


  1. so proud of you. ive been thinking about you alot today when i read shannon's blog. i know this is so hard for the both of you. proud of your attitude and your reliance on the Lord. keep it up, birdie. you are loved and prayed for!!

  2. sweet girl...I'm so sorry I've not been there to help out, but I'll be there soon. Hang on!!!! Think about it this way - God put you in this place, if for nothing else then to be there for my girl this week! What a HUGE blessing for her, for me, and for Madison.

