Saturday, September 17, 2011

until the day i die

So, I'm in Hondy. I got here yesterday afternoon around noon. so, not afternoon i guess. It's been really good and weird and scary and exhausting. I am so overwhelmed by so many things and I just have an abundance of things I want to express. So, I've decided to blog multiple times because let's be honest, no one reads a long blog post. So, I'm tricking ya into reading every. single. word. I will start out by listing things I will love about this place until the day I die:

1. There are always mountains to the right of me and beach to the left. (unless i turn around then it's vice versa)
2. La Ceiba is a place that loves Coca Cola products, so much so that you can buy Coca Cola light (the rest of the world's version of diet coke) AND diet coke. I have had both today and i couldn't be more in love.
3. A police man thought I was Honduran four hours after I entered the country. i didn't fool just any Honduran, I fooled an official one.
4 The clouds are the puffiest things in the whole world and we all know I'm a sucker for clouds.
5. I have already had two smoothies and plan to not stop that habit for the next 7 months.

end of blog post #1 for the day.

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