Tuesday, November 22, 2011

da funnies

Just a few funny moments from this past week or so:

- me and Shannon got our nails done on Friday...for two and a half hours. Welcome to Hondyland. But, my nails do look magnificent.
- I found out that the poop I found in my bed was falling from a whole stash full of poop in the ceiling, every time the little rat walks around in the ceiling. Wait...that's not funny. I rearranged my room.
- Kate's dog is named Barnabas, who is a very noble character in the Bible. Unfortunately, I get that name confused with Beelzebub, who is not the noblest demon there ever was. My b. It comes in handy when he is doing something wrong though. I'm hoping the name sticks.
- I was a translator today. The English speakers weren't making it easy for me and my friend though when they said, "I wish that I could have been able to come to the party." I mean gosh, I barely know how to say that in English. Thats four verbs right thurr. Who knows how to translate that. I do: "she wants to go to your party." me:1 Spanish:0
- I tried to make tortillas with the cook at work today. I finished one and she said, "muy bien, Cait! MUY BIEN!" you're feeling encouraged just reading that aren't ya? Well, she said that, all the while rolling my tortilla back into a ball and doing it herself. Ya take what you can get.
- I'm never going to leave my bed because I'm so sore from Jillian Michaels workout video I could just die. Seriously though, homegirl does not mess around.

That's my life. Take it or leave it. But mostly, just take all of my muscles so that I will stop being in so much pain.

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