Tuesday, November 22, 2011

da funnies

Just a few funny moments from this past week or so:

- me and Shannon got our nails done on Friday...for two and a half hours. Welcome to Hondyland. But, my nails do look magnificent.
- I found out that the poop I found in my bed was falling from a whole stash full of poop in the ceiling, every time the little rat walks around in the ceiling. Wait...that's not funny. I rearranged my room.
- Kate's dog is named Barnabas, who is a very noble character in the Bible. Unfortunately, I get that name confused with Beelzebub, who is not the noblest demon there ever was. My b. It comes in handy when he is doing something wrong though. I'm hoping the name sticks.
- I was a translator today. The English speakers weren't making it easy for me and my friend though when they said, "I wish that I could have been able to come to the party." I mean gosh, I barely know how to say that in English. Thats four verbs right thurr. Who knows how to translate that. I do: "she wants to go to your party." me:1 Spanish:0
- I tried to make tortillas with the cook at work today. I finished one and she said, "muy bien, Cait! MUY BIEN!" you're feeling encouraged just reading that aren't ya? Well, she said that, all the while rolling my tortilla back into a ball and doing it herself. Ya take what you can get.
- I'm never going to leave my bed because I'm so sore from Jillian Michaels workout video I could just die. Seriously though, homegirl does not mess around.

That's my life. Take it or leave it. But mostly, just take all of my muscles so that I will stop being in so much pain.

#21-25: thankfulness

Sheesh, I was just getting ready to go to bed when I remembered today is my thankful list day. I'm slowly learning.

21. For my new roommate, Kate, who constantly makes me laugh. Even if she did steal my name and spell it wrong.
22. For cool weather at night. I don't even have to turn on my AC, Gloria a Dios!
23. For Jillian Michaels and her 30 day shred. She has made me painfully aware of every muscle in my body these past two days. Sorry for the mean things I yell at you when you are trying to help me work out, Jill.
24. For a God that I can be so confident goes before ALL things. And that I can see that verse come into fruition in my daily life.
25. For the new satchel that I saw in the mall early this week. And for my friend Emily, who bought it for me for my birthday.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

he has overcome

My big sister, Nicole, and her hubby, Rob, gave me a 15$ iTunes gift card for my birthday yesterday. Seriously, such a great present. I am obsessed with music and especially here because I love listening to it in the background of activities I do around my house. Anyways, I immediately bought the Aftermath album from Hillsong United. Speaking of which, why are they sometimes united and sometimes not? Someone explain that to me. But, it's a really great album. My favorite so far, in the past 24 hours, is Take Heart. Listen to it. learn it. live it. love it. Here are my favorite lyrics from it.

All our troubles, all our tears
God our hope, he has overcome
All our failures, all our fears
God our love, he has overcome
All our heartache, all our pain
God our healer, he has overcome
All our burdens, all our shame
God our freedom, he has overcome

Silly humans. We think we control things and our God fails us. It reminds me of the verse, "He is before all things and in Him all things hold together." Colossians 1:15-17

Friday, November 18, 2011

#16-20: blessed

summary of my week. I have been SO busy. Seriously though, I have been going to work, road trips with shannon, making crafts, and trying to sleep. One thing you guys could pray for is that I have not been sleeping well and so I am just exhausted all the time. I think Satan is trying a new tactic and I am just not having it. Gotta have my sleep.
But, that's pretty much why you haven't heard from me. When I get a free moment, I am so exhausted that I just want to take a nap or rest. However, I have really felt blessed this whole week and I realized I didn't list my thankfuls this week. oops. Here it goes.

16. I am so thankful for my family. They consistently are just leading me to Christ and glorifying His name. And that is not guaranteed in a family, as I have learned here. I am so blessed that I have a family who understands my heart. I never once have had to explain to them why I wanted to move here. And, they just love me in such a Godly way. Sheesh, I love them.
17. I am thankful that I finally feel at home here. I am not counting down till April. In fact, I feel like April is going to come too soon.
18. I am so thankful for music. It is such a comfort to me and I just love the type of music that moves my heart. If you don't know that type of music, watch The Sing Off.
19. For the 22 boys at Ninos who have all found a way into my heart and who tell me they love me on a daily basis.
20. For all my friends at home who have ben selfless enough to keep in touch and to pray for me. I seriously don't take that for granted. I love you all.

Long story short, God is cool and He is doing really awesome things here in La Ceiba.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


i guess I should explain why I am at the airport. Shannon is coming home! Holler praise. I finally have a roomie I can call my own. No more eating dinner by myself or going to sleep saying goodnight to Pooh Bear. I rode a bus out to San Pedro Airport and me and Shan are gonna spend the weekend out here. So pumped. Also, proud of myself. I took a four hour bus trip all by myself. I bought my ticket, checked my bag, transferred buses, and arrived at the airport. All in Spanish. I'm telling you, I don't even know myself anymore. I look back at the days when I was in AP Spanish, afraid to speak in front of my closest friends in Spanish, for fear that I would fail. PAH! I fail on a daily basis here and it has just become life. I guess SeƱor Offner was right when he said told me that acting like I didn't hear him when he spoke to me in Spanish was not going to help me improve. Well, here's hoping you aren't reading this post Offner because I'd rather you didn't know that your teaching is more affective than the alternative route I took. Not trying to lose my street cred at SDS. Anyways, that's why I am here.

I think that's all she wrote for tonight. Now onto distracting myself for the next hour. Sheesh.

North Carolina, come on and raise up

I've always considered North Cakalakey to be a quiet state, unloved by those outside of it's state limits. We North Carolinians pride ourselves on being famous for our great beach and Nicholas Sparks constant shout outs in his one hundred novels he has written. We've got two sky scrapers we can call our own and John Wall, Michael Jordan, and James Taylor would call NC their home. Petey Pablo even wrote a song about us. But, for whatever reason, most people from the states find Texas, California, Colorado, or New York more interesting.
Well, jokes on you guys, because these Hondurans know where the party's at. Every time I tell a taxi driver, a store cleark, or a volunteer that I am from NC, they somehow have some connection to the state. THey lived there, their ex-wife lives there, they have a cousin there. I am telling you, I dunno where all these Hondurans are hiding, but they are busting at the seams in North Carolina. It's gotten to the point that all the Expatriates I know have noticed my state's fame. Whater, USA, hate on NC all you want. But it's the place to be and one day, you'll look back on your life and regret not appreciating what you had right in front of ya.


There is this boy I have fallen in love with. His name is Enrique. No, his surname is not Iglesias. He is an 11 year old boy who lives in the orphanage I work in. He and I have become besties. He always gives me the best hugs, asks me to play with him, and only lets me tutor him on his homework. Seriously, I think I want to adopt him as my own. Sorry, NC State, make room for one more in the ol' dorm room.
He does have one flaw that has almost been fatal. Here is the thing about kids: they absorb everything they watch on TV. For Honduran kids, that means they absorb the weirdest or most annoying English phrases and cling onto them for dear life. One kid, Michael, every time he sees me says "Hello, baby. I love you, baby. What's your problem, man?" Another, Edgar, says "I've had the time of my life and I owe it all to you-you-you...dirty bit". Yet Another, Cesar, says "whitowski"...still trying to figure this one out. He says it is Chinese for "pregnant woman". I find that hard to believe.
Enrique says "its okay its okay its okay its okay its okay" in a rapid pace. Messes up on homework? Its okay its okay its okay its okay. Wins a game of ping pong? its okay its okay its okay its okay its okay. Sitting down to lunch? Its okay its okay its okay its okay its okay.

It has almost ruined our friendship. I think he has started to notice that when he says it though, my tears are real. We are working through this difficulty. Im loving him through it while wrestling him to the ground and tickling him till he screams every time he says it. The kids gotta learn some way.

cayos cochinos: dankest.

Alright, so here we go with a long chain of blog posts that I should have written a while ago, but haven't had time. Slash, that's kind of a lie. I have had time, but the fact of the matter is that I didn't do it because I knew I would be in an airport by myself for two hours with nothing to do today. So here I am, in the airport. Watching a cat walk around the dining area. Day in a life, my friends.
I went to Cayos Cochinos this weekend. Some of you are asking yourselves: what is that place? And some of you are pretending to know. Well, to all of you I say: Cayos Cochinos is a chain of very small islands about an hour's boat drive away from La Ceiba. It has crystal clear water, beautiful straw huts, it's own language, and part of the second largest coral reef in the world. I truly think that my corner of heaven will have these things: Jesus, Dunkin Doughnuts, Pizza Hut Honduras, and Cayos Cochinos. Oh, also Pooh Bear. Sorry that I momentarily forgot you, pooh.
Anyways, I went there with my peeps, Amanda, Sarah, and a new volunteer I met named Bridey. We spent the day snorkeling, holding boa constrictors, and eating whole fish. It was the most fun. Literally though, whole fish. I had to pick around the bones. Which I thought I would hate, but since they caught the fish two hours before I ate it, it was the most divine thing I ever did taste. But, the main part I want you kiddos to know about the trip is a a guy called Josue.
Josue came with us to Cayos through a tourist company. None of us knew him, but oh we got to know him. First of all, he told us he only knew a litle bit of English, but then proceeded to join in on every conversation we had in English, perfectly. Then he was THAT snorkeler. You know the one who doesn't know how to breath properly or direct himself with his flippers. We spent the majority of the day making sure his breathing rhythm wasn't due to a heart attack, telling him to stop standing ON THE REEF, and trying to get him to stop kicking us in the face with his dang flippers. Needless to say, Josue unknowingly gave us some precious memories that I will laugh about for a long time to come.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

#11-#15: gratitude

And the list goes on. This week, I am thankful for...

11. Having daily confirmation that I am exactly where the Lord has called me to be.
12. A little boy in desperate need of some love in his life has chosen me to become friends with in the school I work at.
13. Living alone this past month. The Lord has become a true friend of mine because of it.
14. The sheer look of terror on a kid's face when you're chasing them in a tickle war.
15. My chocolate frosty today from wendys. It was my first taste of ice cream in my two months here.

In other news, sorry I've been behind on the blogging. I probably will continue to be this week. But, no fear, I have three hours by myself in an Internet cafe on saturday to make myself catch up.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

warm fuzzies

I mean seriously, how could you not get warm fuzzies when you read this:
"Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23

Or this:
"For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come." Hebrews13:14

Or this:
"Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me." Micah 7:8

All I'm saying is that Jesus is cool. I'm a fan of him. I'm also saying that I can't figure out if fuzzies is spelled with a "y" or an "ie", it looks weird both ways. Languages these days.

deep fried everything

So, I thought that maybe the North Carolina state fair was bad. Deep fried Oreos, deep fried snickers, deep fried pickles, deep fried coke, deep fried kool aid, and the list goes on. But, ladies and gentleman, NC State Fair has met its match. Hondurans love them some deep fried...everything. Yesterday I had spaghetti cooked in manteka sauce, which is, I've been told, straight lard. Delicious. Seriously though, when I work at the orphanage three days a week, I eat like a true honduran. Meaning, starches, sugars, and a pound of salt, all thrown into lard. Needless to say, I think I'm gaining the pre-freshman 500. However, I've started to eat healthy at home and I work out every day. I'm hoping that will take away from all the instant death I consume three days a week. But, I might have taken a giant step backwards by teaching the cook today how to cook deep fried Oreos. Oops.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

#6-10: gratitude

For those just tuning in, I have started to make a list of five things a week that I am grateful for. Now that it is nearing the holiday season, I'm so glad I started this.
6. Today began my favorite month of the year, so much holiday cheer and thankfulness.
7. I have a family that is constantly fighting for the Lord's glory, individually and together.
8. I've hit the point where not speaking Spanish is weirder to me than speaking it regularly.
9. I wore my hair down today (rare occurrence), and two little boys at school told me I looked pretty.
10. Seeing the sunrise on the mountains three days a week on my way to work.