Monday, March 19, 2012

ordinary people

I'll set the scene. Two weeks ago, I road on the bus to San Pedro Airport with my mom and will to send them back to the states. It's about a two and a half hour drive that I rarely take. On the way home to La Ceiba, the Lord really blessed me with distractions so that I would not be sad about my family abandoning me. Maybe they didn't abandon me, but you can't prove otherwise. One of those distractions was in the form of two gringas sitting next to me on the bus. They had come to La Ceiba to meet their missionary friend who was living there for two years. They were college aged and just fun to talk to. I gave them my blog, oops you might be reading this. Shout out to Tori and Lori.

Okay now, fast forward to present day. My roommate Kate just got back from a week in the states with her family. We are all sitting in the living room tonight when she remembers a story she forgot to tell us. Here is how it went, "So, I was waiting in the airport in San Pedro to go to the states when I ran into a couple gringas. Well, we got to talking and started talking about Katie Davis in Uganda. (side note: if you don't know her, look her up on the Internet an maybe stop living in a cave) Anyways, we got to talking and turns out they know her really well. They went to high school with her then the same college before she decided to move back to Uganda. So, I got to talk to them all about her journey and their perspective on it. It was so cool. Wait, I became friends with them on Facebook. Let me look them up."
At this point, I asked what their names are and she said, "oh, Tori and Lori."

I mean, seriously?! What are the chances. We never go to San pedro, I am never confident enough to talk to people I don't know, and they only were here for one week. And, they mentioned me to Kate not knowing we were roommates. So random! And just cool that the Lord's family is so small and big at the same time. I mean let's see: five girls, one from Alabama, two from Nashville, one from North Carolina, and one in Uganda. And somehow, we all became connected only through our love for Jesus and our response to His call. So, so neat.

And we have one more thing in common, I guess. Our names are Kate, Cait, Katie, Lori, and Tori. Who ever said Jesus doesn't have a sense of humor.

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