Tuesday, January 31, 2012

oh introversion

So, I've always known that I'm an introvert and have come to terms with this fact. It's not bad that I get energy from being alone, rather than with people. Or that I value sleep. Or that I prefer to listen in a group setting rather than talk it up. I'm more of a one on one girl. Catch me by myself and I won't stop talking to you. But, here's the thing about learning a new language. Introversion is not an option. If you want to learn quickly and have a better range of vocab, youve gotta put yourself out there. And if you don't talk in big settings, people assume you don't know their language. And quite frankly, this stinks. I just want to sit and listen and not have to explain to people that it's not because I don't understand. It's just who I am. But, alas, no such luck. So for now, I have the trouble of being confident enough to speak in a new language and being confident enough to change personalities in order to do such speaking. What's a girl gotta do to disappear in the background these days?

Oy with the poodles already.

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