I have four days left in Honduras. How did that happen. I'm very sad to be leaving the home, job, and community I have been blessed to have here. I love so much about this place and I never in a million years believed that I would feel at home here, but I do. I could definitely stay for another year, I think. But, that's my desire for myself, and not the Lords. He has made it clear to me that I am to return home and that is what is best for me. So, I'm seriously just relying on the character of my God and His will because I think if it were up to me,I would have already cancelled my plane ticket. That is not to say I'm not going to be thrilled to see my family because let me tell you, that's going to be a reunion like no other. I just really really love living life here in La Ceiba. That's all.
On funny, side note, I said goodbye forever to three people earlier this week that I have seen around town later on. This city is too small! Stop making me say goodbyes, La Ceiba! And also, many of the street children Kate works with have learned how to say "Caitlin, please don't go" in English. Seriously, you try leaving those precious faces.
Four days. Too many goodbyes to count. Dreaaadddd.
"Sovereign Lord, as you have promised, you now dismiss your servant in peace. For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all people, a light for revelation to the Gentiles and for glory to your people Israel." - Luke 2:29-32
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