Saturday, January 7, 2012

making the non monumental, monumental

You know how during the Christmas season everyone likes to countdown? Everyone follows the Christmas countdown on twitter, people watch 25 days of Christmas on ABC Family, and we fill our advent calendars with chocolates for each day. Well, we as the family living in the two story pink house in La Ceiba, Honduras, decided to make our own advent calendar, inspired by pinterest.
We all filled out notecards with fun activities to do in preparation for Christmas (ie watch Elf, learn a Spanish christmas carol, make cookies) and hid them in the different days of the calendar. And loved it. Well, most people would pack up the calendar after the 25th and call it quits till December 1st of the next year. But, that is where most people miss out on the true wonder of a countdown calendar.
You see, a countdown calendar knows no bounds. It is not constrained by our failures and labels we place on it, nor does it's forsake us in our moments of doubt and disbelief. In fact some would argue that you can find the gospel in the truths of the countdown calendar. We three are the faithful few, though. We have kept it's glory alive and let it shine. Here are the ways we plan to use the calendar for the next couple months:
1) 23 days till Shannon returns from the states
2) 19 days till Kate leaves for a week to Peru
3) 16 days till we start a new calendar

You get the point. Some would argue that we are countdown gluttons. And, I don't necessarily dispute that. But, I also don't dispute that that little guy makes my day every day (minus the days that we have to learn a Spanish Christmas carol, that one was, admittedly, a dud to say the least). To learn more about the countdown calendar read: AND

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