Thursday, September 29, 2011

and that's the problem with used appliances

well see, i am staying by myself for the week due to shannon abandoning me and going to an exotic honduran island. did i mention that already? anyways, it's been going great all weeks of course everything bad needed to happen on the same day. to start, school happened. there is only so many conversations you can have with a tutor you've hung out with one on one for 36 hours over the past week or so. literally every conversation has about two lines and ended. afterward, on my way home, with Donal the taxi driver, got into a little bit of a fender bender. apparently, the taxi behind us, just didn't think we were going fast enough, logically, hitting us and making Donal have to check his bumper made everything go way faster for him.
so, i get home and head to the fridge for lunch but, oh wait, it's broken. the thing is, i don't even know how to fix a fridge in my own language. so yikes. good thing mr. clow, a part of the Mission to the World team, came over to help. Turns out, the freezer was just taking a little rest and after us touching nothing, it decided it was time to start working again.
And you think that's where it ends. Some of my children came again today for food. I had five boys hanging out while the whole fridge thing was going on. The thing is that these particular boys have discovered just how much of a language barrier there is between us and they use it to their advantage. And i don't know how to discipline in Spanish. You tend to lose your authority when you stumble over your words, i've come to discover. SO, i had to kick them out and that was just super hard. I don't like having to enforce rules to kids. especially kids who have barely anything in this world.
long story short, i experienced some culture shock today. And it was difficult. But, my family came to the rescue via Skype and so did Jeffrey, one of the really kind boys. So, it turned out alright in the end. Maybe not so much now though because i have to go write a two page paper (at least) in spanish. oof. Satan sure knows how to hit ya where it hurts.

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